The Awareness Intensive

It's time to reclaim your birthright...It's time to step into awareness.

If you have ever thought there was more to life and Creation than what you now know...
If you have ever believed you posessed untapped powers and abilities...
If you have ever believed that all of Creation was trying to communicate life's deepest meanings to you...
You were right!

The Ancient Skills School is delighted to offer The Awareness Intensive class. A weekend of consciousness expanding skills and activities designed to increase the  participant's awareness of themselves and the natural world dramatically and permanently.  The techniques and activities in this class were selected for their power, profundity, and practicality. Some of the activities participants of this class will engage in include but are not limited to: 

Learning Advanced Bird Language- Understanding the five voices of the birds and interpreting their meaning.
Participating in the Sacred Lodge- Join us in the sweat lodge for ceremony and meditation
Learning the Routines of Invisibility-Move through the wilderness undetected by the animals and birds (and people).
Heightened and Extra-Sensory Awareness- Has to be seen and done to be believed! Although these teachings form the foundation and core of the Awareness Intensive class there is no way to adequately describe their power. If you have questions before the class regarding what this means please contact Joe Longshore at 315-244-8001.
Learning and participating in Meditative practices-Guided, total sensory, and solitary meditative practices will all be taught and practiced.
Music, Dancing, Drumming, Chanting!- There's always time for play! Join us as we raise the roof with our music.

We've packed this class with information and awe inspiring activities!

This class represents the absolute best of the teachings we've collected, learned, and shared over the past twenty years. This is the cream of the crop! If you can take only one class this year make it The Awareness Intensive. I (Joe Longshore) have spent the last twenty years learning from native elders, yogi's, martial artists, shamans, and scouts. I've taught dozens of classes and held hundreds of sweat lodges. I can honestly say that I've put the most practical and profound teachings in this single class. If I myself could only take one class designed to deepen my awareness of myself and all Creation it would be this one. Please don't miss out. Call me if you have any questions, reservations or concerns regarding this class. I sincerely want you here.

To Sign Up!

Call Joe Longshore at 315-244-8001 or
email Joe at
[email protected] to reserve your space now!